
Small Groups

Providence offers opportunities to develop deeper relationships in a small group format. 

Providence Book Club meets monthly to discuss theological themes and implications of contemporary literature. For more information about the book club, contact Kate Andersen.

The Current Issues Group serves as a forum for Providence members to discuss current issues (local, social, political, etc.) in an open and mutually supportive atmosphere as they relate to our faith. The group may choose to discuss action and participation in events, lectures, etc., and will make these opportunities known to church members, who are free to participate or not. However, the group will not advocate for any particular political party or movement. For more information about the Current Issues Group, contact Deb Malone

The Faith Connections Team disseminates information to Providence members about Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) activities (offerings, home building for the disadvantaged, CBF informational sessions, etc.) In addition, this committee promotes partnerships in the community that support Providence’s goals and supports various advocacy topics. For more information about the Faith Connections Team, contact Paula Egelson.

The Providence Prayer Circle meets weekly to hold in prayer those who have requested it or made known specific challenges or celebrations. To learn more about the Prayer Circle, please contact Antoinette Battista

The Retired Men’s Breakfast is a monthly gathering for men who have retired to meet, enjoy a home-cooked breakfast and spend time together in fellowship, study, and prayer. To learn more about the Retired Men’s Breakfast, contact Harry Devenney.

Care Groups are formed geographically and strive to meet the needs of the church’s members. The Care Groups address, but are not limited to, the following needs: bereavement, family care, helping in times of medical issues and concerns, new baby care, etc.