Common Questions

  • When we say, “Everyone’s Welcome,” we mean everyone. Providence affirms the belovedness of every individual, made in God’s image and worthy of love and belonging. Regardless of who you love, how you identify, how much money you make, the color of your skin, whether you are married or single, young or old, you are welcome here.

  • Worship forms the core of who we are as a congregation. As we gather for worship we seek to find a way to connect with the God who is always seeking us.

    Many times people ask, "What is worship like at Providence?" Well, it really depends on the week! We say that our worship is "formal yet flexible." What that means is that each week you will find our ministers wearing robes, but you never know when our pastor might break out in a song during the sermon. The music ranges from classical to a Jamaican beat accompanied by steel drums!

    One characteristic of worship is spelled out in our vision statement—"participatory worship." That means that we seek to involve everyone in worship—with several individuals leading each week.

    You can get a taste of worship by visiting our YouTube channel. But the best way is to experience worship in person. We have services each Sunday at 10:30 am. Childcare is available for children 4 and younger in the Education Building. There is something for everyone at Providence.

    We look forward to seeing you soon!

  • Our worship services are broadcast via Facebook Live and are available to everyone whether or not you have a Facebook account. If you’d like to receive weekly emails with the link to worship and an attached worship guide, please email associate pastor Allison Benfield and request to be added to the email list.

  • Since our founding, we have affiliated with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.

    Because we hold true to historic Baptist principles, Providence Church does not require its members to sign or recite a creed or specific statement of faith. Following the earliest Christian confession of faith, we unite around the simple affirmation that "Jesus Christ is Lord." While Providence is a theologically diverse congregation, most would likely describe our church as a community characterized by love, grace and inclusion of all people.

  • Thank you for your interest in giving to support the mission and ministry of Providence Church. You may send a check to Providence Church at 294 Seven Farms Drive, Daniel Island, SC 29492. You can also give electronically by clicking here.

  • Financial gifts to the church are used in a variety of ways to support the mission and ministry of Providence. As with all organizations, we have bills to pay and staff to support. The building and our staff are vital to our ability to minister as we have been called by God to do. Additionally, we designate a portion of our budget to help fund projects offered by our mission partners. You can learn more about our missions engagement here.

  • Becoming an official part of Providence is quite simple and can be accomplished in several different ways. Some people choose to walk forward at the end of a worship service to speak with a minister and indicate their desire to join. Some choose to join by transfer of letter from another congregation. Others desire to publicly profess faith in Jesus and join by baptism in the river. If you’re unsure of how you’d like to join or would like more information, you can get support by sharing your desire with a staff minister or church member.

  • Consider joining us for an upcoming session of Discover Providence, a small-group presentation hosted several times a year by our Hospitality team and staff. Topics include our history and organizational structure, how and where financial gifts to the church are used and ways to become more involved.

    Coffee and breakfast foods are provided … and questions are welcomed!

    Please reach out if you’re interested in attending our next session.